Q: What is TheOneRing.net Community? A: TheOneRing.net Community is a collection of well-designed and maintained fan websites devoted to some aspect of J.R.R. Tolkien and his works. Q: Who can join TheOneRing.net Community? A: Any well-designed and contextually unique website can join TheOnering.net Community. Visit the information section to get more details on rules and an application. Q: I see you emphasize the non-commercial nature of all community websites. Why is this?? A: A long time ago (in a galaxy...) we decided that we wanted TheOneRing.net to be different from all the other websites out there. The internet is completely run by advertising and money these days. We wanted to see if we could run a world class website without the advertisements. We also believe that money tends to corrupt the 'media.' For example, a site that depends on a cash flow is more likely to attempt to cause controversy, to get attention, instead of researching the news first. That is what makes our community unique. What you see on TheOneRing.net and community websites are unbiased and truthful information. Our goal then is to make just enough money to sustain the site. As you can tell by our shop.theonering.net and our affliation with IGN we do need a certain amount of money to run the site. This money however goes directly into the site expenses and various charitable organizations. (see our charity page for more info). No staff members are paid for their work here, although we are reimbursed for any expenses we might incur. Q: Who decides what site will get into TheOneRing.net Commmunity? A: Xoanon, Corvar, Tehanu and Calisuri review each submission personally and make the decision. For more information on criteria on which we judge, visit the information section. Q: Who do I contact for more information about the community or to check the status of my membership submission? A: Your best bet is to contact webmaster@theonering.net for general information and technical information. Either Calisuri or Corvar will respond to your request. |
home | contact us | back to top | site map |search | join list This site is maintained and updated by fans of The Lord of the Rings. We in no way claim the artwork displayed to be our own. Copyrights and trademarks for the books, films, and related properties mentioned herein are held by their respective owners and are used solely for promotional purposes of said properties. Design and original photography however are copyright © 2000 TheOneRing.net . |