![Rolozo Tolkien](/rolozo/graphics/header.jpg)
![Do not follow this link, or your host will be blocked from this site. This is a spider trap.](http://img-www.theonering.net/images/spider_trap_do_not_visit.gif)
![The Terrace at Henneth Annun](http://img-fan.theonering.net/rolozo/thumbs/nasmith/TN-The_Terrace_at_Henneth_Annun.jpg)
The Terrace at Henneth Annun
470K, 1073x1750
Mod: 01 September 2003
![Finduilas is Led Past Turin at the Sack of Nargothrond, February 2000](http://img-fan.theonering.net/rolozo/thumbs/nasmith/sil-nargothrond.jpg)
Finduilas is Led Past Turin at the Sack of Nargothrond, February 2000
69K, 581x876
Mod: 27 October 2002
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