The Maria Lombide Ezpeleta Collection
Email Address: marisoly@marisoly.com
Homepage: http://maria-lombide-ezpeleta.blogspot.com
This page contains thumbnail images of scenes derived from characters and imagery found in works by J.R.R. Tolkien. These images were created and graciously contributed by Maria Lombide Ezpeleta.
950 Girdle of Melian.JPG
Entering Doriath, Kingdom of Elwe Singollo through the Girdle of Melian
3066K, 1147x1610
Mod: 17 January 2007

veanne meets luthien and melian.jpg
Veanne Meets Luthien and Melian
2385K, 2314x1667
Mod: 29 October 2005
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