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The 1984 Calendar Collection

The 1984 Tolkien Calendar by Roger Garland
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The Chaining of Melkor, December 1984
The Chaining of Melkor, December 1984
468K, 1158x1250
Mod: 06 December 1999
Shelob, August 1984
Shelob, August 1984
474K, 1178x1250
Mod: 06 December 1999
The Gate of Morn, January 1984
The Gate of Morn, January 1984
472K, 1169x1250
Mod: 06 December 1999
Barad-Dur, June 1984
Barad-Dur, June 1984
473K, 1174x1250
Mod: 06 December 1999
The Haven of the Swans, March 1984
The Haven of the Swans, March 1984
464K, 1169x1250
Mod: 06 December 1999
The Bridge of Khazad-Dum, February 1984
The Bridge of Khazad-Dum, February 1984
467K, 1174x1250
Mod: 06 December 1999
The Two Trees of Valinor, April 1984
The Two Trees of Valinor, April 1984
483K, 1171x1250
Mod: 06 December 1999
Gandalf, November 1984
Gandalf, November 1984
481K, 1174x1250
Mod: 06 December 1999
Ulmo, Lord of the Waters, July 1984
Ulmo, Lord of the Waters, July 1984
478K, 1166x1250
Mod: 06 December 1999
Glaurung, the First of the Dragons of Morgoth, May 1984
Glaurung, the First of the Dragons of Morgoth, May 1984
480K, 1162x1250
Mod: 06 December 1999
The Lord of the Nazgul, October 1984
The Lord of the Nazgul, October 1984
474K, 1159x1250
Mod: 06 December 1999
Gollum, September 1984
Gollum, September 1984
473K, 1172x1250
Mod: 06 December 1999
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