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TORN Cookbook… from the message board of
thread initiated by Daddy Duck


Is anyone keeping track of the "food" being discussed here? It would (will) make for a very interesting cookbook.

Balrog Wings
Stewed Rabbit
Something with Mushrooms
Nazgul on a Stick
Chocolate Covered Goblins
Vile Brew

May I suggest:
Toasted Burrahobbit toes

--Daddy Duck


and of course the infamous "Black Rider" drink


What about fisssh, nice fisssh?
We're leaving out one of the most important LOTR dishes, here. :-) Raw fish, fresh from the pond.
We could call it, "Sassshimi by Gollum."
Anyone want a taste?
-- Elemmírë


Jellied Dwarves
Roasted Warg’s Nose
Something Mildly Obscene Involving Arwen, Myself, and Lime Green Jello.


We have:
Egg & Cram;
Egg, Bacon & Cram;
Egg, Bacon, Sausage & Cram;
Cram, Bacon, Sausage & Cram;
Cram, Egg, Cram, Cram, Bacon & Cram; Cram, Sausage, Cram, Cram, Cram, Bacon, Cram, Tomato & Cram;
Cram, Cram, Cram, Egg & Cram;
Cram, Cram, Cram, Cram, Cram, Cram, Baked Beans, Cram, Cram & Cram;
Sorry, I've been wanting to do that for a while now, and you gave me opportunity.
Now all we need is someone in a squeaky voice to shout 'I don't like Cram!'

*squeaky voice* I don't like Cram!  --Pteppic

*as vaguely Rohirrim-themed Viking-type person* Cram, Cram, Cram, wonderful Cram!  --Nienor


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