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The Road Will Go On and On
by Andelin

(Parody of "My Heart Will Go On" from Titanic and of "The Road Goes Ever, Ever On")
Sung by Bilbo.

Every day as I go
I see it, I walk it
That is how I know it goes on.
Far into the distance
The wide open spaces
I can see the road does go on.

Near, far, or lit by a star
I believe that the road will go on.
Once more, I close up my door
And my feet start to walk
And the road will go on and on.

Choose a byway one time.
And travel a lifetime.
Wandering through night ‘till the dawn
Eager feet have chosen
Though toes might get frozen.
If I can, I’ll always go on.

Near, far, or lit by a star
I believe that the road will go on.
Once more, I close up my door
And my feet start to walk
And the road will go on and on.

Now here, the fork does appear
And the path that I choose will go on.
I’ll stay till it meets a new way
And then where? I can’t say, but
The road will go on and on.

–Lanny Andelin

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