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Middle-earth's Best Poker Players
by Cactus Kev

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Middle-earth's Best Poker Players

Compiled by Cactus Kev from the newsgroup

tiger123 wrote:

I once wondered which character in Tolkien's stories would have made the best poker player.

Bilbo (although dubbed a thief) really had little deception. Frodo, Sam Gamgee, Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took were too straightforward. Thorin Oakinshield's dwarves would be the rocks in the game. Elrond and the rest of the elves were too playful. Smaug the dragon? Naw. He was interested in accumulating treasure, but had no patience. The trolls? lol! Tom Bombadil would never waste his time playing cards. The ents? ho-hum. The Nazgul wouldn't stay in one place long enough. The Dark Lord, Sauron, was just too evil. Gollum? No, my preciousss.

Eventually, I came to the wizards and what are called the true men in the story. Saruman was a possibility, but I dismissed him in favor of Gandalf. Gandalf would have made one helluva poker player! ahhhh... but he was taken down by the balrog.

Finally, I came to the only character who always had me fooled. Strider, the ranger, surely was the best poker player! Having lost his stake, he slowly but surely marshaled his forces and started a comeback. Eventually, he was revealed as Aragorn, son of Arathorn. and finally, at the conclusion, he returns as king and takes the name Elessar and marries Arwen Evenstar.

Who would *ever* have figured out what cards Strider was holding?

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