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Middle-Earth (sung to Kokomo by the Beach Boys)
by Inferno

Erebor, Tuckborough, ooo I wanna show you
Through Bywater, Tol Brandir, Brithombar, Pelargir
Crickhollow, and Buckland, don't you think that it's grand?

In the books that we read
There's a place called Middle-Earth
That's where we wanna go, to get away from it all.
Elven realms and lands, hobbit ale mugs are in your hands
We'll be falling in love with the world of this Tolkien man
Down in Middle-Earth.

Lorien, and Hollin, Ithilien, and Lindon,
The Shire, and Bree-land, Rivendell, Wilderland
Mirkwood, and Fangorn, Silvertine and Redhorn
Ooh, I wanna take you down to Middle-Earth
See these places, and all that they're worth.
That's where we wanna go, way down to Middle-Earth.

Beleriand is water over sand…

Places you can go
Like Gondor or Dunharrow
Celebrant, Khazad-dûm, Thangorodrim, or Utumno
See the magic sights, Orodruin's fiery lights.
That dreamy Lorien sky, or maybe Anduin flowing by.
Way down in Middle-Earth.

Lebennin, Evendim, Rohan, Ithilien,
Dagorlad, Gorgoroth, also Taur-en-Faroth
Dol Amroth, Esgaroth, also Tol-in-Guarhoth
Ooh I wanna take you down to Middle-Earth
Wondrous lands full of tears and mirth.
Scenery and hobbit girth, way down in Middle-Earth

The Southfarthing is really quite the thing…

Everybody knows a little bit of Middle-Earth
Now if you wanna go and get away from it all.
Just visit Middle-Earth.

There's Umbar, and Harad, Dol Guldur ain't half bad.
See Dunland, Hobbiton, The Havens or Woody End
Aglarond, Hadhodrond, or maybe visit Elrond
Ooh I wanna take you down to Middle-Earth
Wondrous lands full of tears and mirth.
Scenery and hobbit girth, way down in Middle-Earth

Erebor, Tuckborough, ooo I wanna show you
Through Bywater, Tol Brandir, Brithombar, Pelargir
Crickhollow, and Buckland, don't you think that it's grand?

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