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Top Ten Ways You Know You're Obsessed w/LotR(
by Dernhelm of the Mark

10. You like to role-play scenes from the trilogy
9. Your ideal date has pointed ears and is six feet tall
8. You have spent all your savings on Middle-Earth merchandise
7. Once, you looked up in the sky and thought you saw a Nazgul
6. You could swear that your next-door neighbor is a hobbit
5. You spend free time at your piano making up tunes for the songs in LotR
4. Your dog is named Huan and your cat Shadowfax
3. Your doormat says, "Speak friend and enter"
2. Your can recite both lines of the heirs of Elendil by chronological order and giver their date of birth and death by heart

and the number one way you know you’re obsessed w/LotR …

1. You speak Quenyan fluently and like to write letters in Angerthas

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