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Top Ten Stolen Scenes
by Angelo M.

1) When Gandalf and the Balrog are fighting on the bridge, Gandalf bends way back, as the balrog swings his sword over Gandalf's nose in super slow motion, as the camera swings around the two fighters. (The Matrix)

2) After Gollum loses the riddle contest, he grabs a stone, and swears: "I'll never go stupid again!" (Gone With the Wind)

3) Galadriel insists on paying Sam one dime if he sketches a picture of her naked except for the elven ring upon her finger. (Titanic)

4) Sam, riding Saruman's bicycle, flied over Cirith Ungol with Frodo in the basket. (E.T.)

5) Aragorn is overcome with sorrow, and sings: "Somewhere, over the rainbow, Nazguls die..." (The Wizard of Oz)

6) Gollum became so hideously disformed because he fell into an acid pot while flirting with Shelob. (Batman)

7) After Frodo dies when fighting Sauron in the Isengard colloseum, Galadriel comes down and says, "We will honor him." (Gladiator)

8) Saruman agrees to exchange secrets to Mordor with Arwen if she tells him intimate facts about her life. (Silence of the Lambs)

9) When Sam rescues Frodo, they fall into a garbage pit and are squeezed to death. (Star Wars)

10) The eagles get together to destroy Sauron's floating "Death Elf." (Star Wars)

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