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15-Minute FotR Epilogue
by Inferno

[Person walks across stage, carrying placard saying "ENCORE-FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING"]

[Enter Bilbo (running) with Party Guests chasing him across the stage]
Bilbo: I am going. I am leaving NOW. GOOD-BYE!

Bag End:
[Enter Gandalf, Frodo, and Sam (all running across stage)]
Gandalf: Give me the Ring for a moment.(Frodo passes the Ring to Gandalf) One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.(Gandalf passes Ring back) Get up Sam! You shall go with Mr. Frodo!
Sam: Hooray!

Shire Road:
[Enter Gildor (running), Frodo, Sam (running with Gildor to other side of stage), Merry, Pippin (staying by entrance)]
Gildor: Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards for they are subtle and quick to anger.
Frodo: Go not to the Elves for council for they will say both no and yes.
[Exit Gildor]

River Withywindle:
(Merry & Pippin sit by tree and are eaten, Frodo & Sam attacked by Barrow-wight)
Frodo: Help! Help! Help!
Tom (offstage): Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow; Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow. (Tree spits out Merry & Pippin. Barrow-wight shrivels & dies.)

Prancing Pony:
[Enter Breefolk, running across stage]
All: A song!
[Enter Strider]
Frodo: The cow jumped over the moon.
(jumps behind table, runs to Strider)
[Exit Bree-folk]
Strider: I see, I look foul and feel fair, is that it?

[Strider and hobbits run across stage]
(Neeker-Breekers: neek-breek throughout)
Pippin: I am being eaten alive!
Sam: What do they live on when they can't get Hobbit?

[Enter (running) Merry, Pippin, Frodo, Sam, Strider with Nazgul chasing them. Witch-King catches up with Frodo, stabs him, then Nazgul run past Strider & hobbits, exiting]
Frodo: O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!

[Enter Hobbits, Aragorn, and Glorfindel (all running) with Nazgul chasing them.]
Glorfindel: Fly! noro lim, Asfaloth!
Frodo: Go back!
Witch-King: To Mordor we will take you!
[Exit all but Frodo]

Frodo: I will take the Ring, though I do not know the way.

[Enter Fellowship (running across stage to pile of snow)]
Gandalf: His arm has grown long.
(Gandalf points back other direction. Fellowship runs back to other side of stage to stand by gates)
Gates of Moria:
Gandalf: I have it! Mellon!

[Enter Fellowship from other side of stage (running)]
Legolas(pointing behind while running): Ai, ai! A Balrog! A Balrog is come!
Gandalf(stops, runs back offstage): Fly you fools!

[Enter Galadriel. Fellowship runs across stage to boats, each one getting a gift from Galadriel in passing. Galadriel runs offstage.]

[Fellowship picks up boats, and runs across stage with them]
[Exit all but Boromir and Frodo.]

Parth Galen:
[Frodo runs offstage]
Boromir: Frodo! Come back!
[Boromir runs offstage opposite direction.]

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