A Curious Thing Happened In the Shire One Day
by Old Took
Gandalf packed his bags one day
And left the Shire by Bree;
Hobbit children lined the street
The spectacle to see.
Bearded dwarves with floppy hats
All filed along the lane;
Who's this here, coming up the rear?
That Baggins? "The very same!"
They marched along the roads and streets
O'er hills and out of sight;
"We'll not see them again", said folks,
But others said, "We might!"
So the lonely months passed by,
The Baggins hole lay bare;
"It's not the same down Bag End lane,
Now Bilbo isn't there."
The Sackville-Bagginses were pleased,
They came to snoop and look;
"'Tis fortunate for us", they mused,
"That Bilbo's too much Took!"
They peered in through the window holes
And rubbed their hands with glee;
"Bilbo's hole is ours at last-
he's queer as news from Bree!"
They'd nearly started packing things
In boxes and many-a sack;
When from the blue the shout went up,
"Look everyone! He's back!"
Adding insult to their injured pride,
They looked and nearly fell:
Not only was their nephew back,
He's filthy rich as well!
(c) Old Took 2000
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