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Lindele Luthienwa
by Christopher Kou

Lindele Luthienwa

Ar nai willuvanyë rámannar sornova
Rahtan eleneldi menellessë tára?
Ar nai atálatuvanye anúre tumnánnar
Oméntan Ulmo linqueryassen?
Nan sinomë liltanyë Artanóressë,
Vanya nor elléva ar aldava,
Eressëa nan an lómelindi,
Ar alyë palurenyas.

Ananta sinomélyë, málya mányassë,
Ilya Endórë enyáva,
I eleneldi káyuvar mahalmallónta vilyessë,
Ar Ulmo ortúva ëarello.
Ananta sinomë liltanyë Artanoressë,
Vanya nórë vilyava ar celúmeva,
Omalya mal yassë haryanyi ilye nati
Nan milúme kuíle teluva.

Lava ilye Arda tuluva imbelwë,
Lava Melkor ramuva elwen lomëa marellorya,
Intya qualmë ar mornië hantë malwat,
Er indónya hiruva indolya.
Ananta sinomë liltanyë Artanoressë,
Vanya norë lassë ar lotë,
Ananta er hilyuvalyë rímannar I Ardava
Intya tanya ná mammen lelyuvalyë.

Luthien’s Song

And should I soaron eagle’s wings
To reach the stars in heaven high?
And should I dive to deepest depths
To meet Ulmo in his waters?
Yet here I dance in in Artanor,
Fair land of brook and tree,
Alone but for the nightingales,
And with you by my side.

And with you here, your hand in mine,
All Middengard belongs to me.
The stars shall bow from their thrones in the sky,
And Ulmo shall rise from the sea.
So here I dance in Artanor,
Fair land of sky and stream,
With your hand in mine I have all things
Even if life should cease.

Let all of Arda come between us,
Let Melkor curseus from his dark abode,
Should death and darkness part our hands
Yet will my heart find yours.
And so I dance in Artanor,
Fair land of flower and leaf.
And yet I would follow to the ends of the earth
If that is where you would lead.

Christopher Kou
Eldor Galleddrim

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