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The Lament of Arwen Undomiel
by Stephen McGuigan
When I heard you speak, my love
"Tinuviel!" cried out thy voice
"May this be love?" asked I above
But did I really have a choice?
When I saw your eyes, my love
Sparkling stars in pools of night
I know you're the one, and not the sun
Who sets the morning sky alight.
And When you went away, my love
My heart was rent, and torn in two
And bled rivers of my truest love
Until I met again with you .
Our happiness is tainted, love-
I have the choice of Thingols heir:
To stay with Thee or seek the Sea.
To die alone or deathless share.
When years force us to part, my love
I'll sing alone by Lorien's tree
A salty song of love gone wrong
And of memories lost beyond the Sea .
My world is cold and sad, my love
Under tree, so far away
The love you sought was dearly bought,
For now I merely fade to grey...
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