Danbury Mint Plates
By: Ted Nasmith
Title: Danbury Mint Plates
Dimensions: 500 x 494 pixels
File Size: 36 KB
Last Modified: 12 November 1999
Samples of Related Collections
Characters :: Gandalf

By: John Howe
Title: Gandalf approaches the guarded city, March 1995
Dimensions: 1459 x 929 pixels
File Size: 379 KB
Last Modified: 12 November 1999
Collectibles :: Danbury Mint Plates

By: Ted Nasmith
Title: Danbury Mint Plates
Dimensions: 331 x 326 pixels
File Size: 13 KB
Last Modified: 12 November 1999
Artists :: Nasmith, Ted

By: Ted Nasmith
Title: Sam Enters Mordor Alone, May 1990
Dimensions: 643 x 1144 pixels
File Size: 69 KB
Last Modified: 27 October 2002
Middle-earth :: Rivendell

By: Ted Nasmith
Title: The Fellowship leaving Rivendell, June 2002
Dimensions: 544 x 740 pixels
File Size: 67 KB
Last Modified: 27 October 2002
Characters :: Aragorn

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Title: Sam and Aragorn, September 1981 (SA)
Dimensions: 1300 x 908 pixels
File Size: 372 KB
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Title: Faramir and Frodo at Ithilien
Dimensions: 884 x 808 pixels
File Size: 129 KB
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Title: Boromir
Dimensions: 402 x 529 pixels
File Size: 176 KB
Last Modified: 02 December 2003
Characters :: Legolas

By: Laurin McClain
Title: Caricature of Legolas
Dimensions: 390 x 570 pixels
File Size: 22 KB
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Characters :: Merry

By: Michael Kaluta
Title: Meriadoc The Magnificent and The Children of Samwise Hamfast, November 1994
Dimensions: 1104 x 977 pixels
File Size: 521 KB
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Title: Fangorn Forest
Dimensions: 598 x 974 pixels
File Size: 393 KB
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Characters :: Gimli

By: Ted Nasmith
Title: Danbury Mint Plates
Dimensions: 500 x 494 pixels
File Size: 36 KB
Last Modified: 12 November 1999
Characters :: Sam

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Title: The Eavesdropper, March 1980
Dimensions: 1285 x 1200 pixels
File Size: 468 KB
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The Lord of the Rings, by chapter :: Book II, Chapter 3, The Ring Goes South

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Title: Rivendell
Dimensions: 936 x 664 pixels
File Size: 129 KB
Last Modified: 10 July 2002