Danbury Mint Plates
By: Ted Nasmith
Title: Danbury Mint Plates
Dimensions: 500 x 494 pixels
File Size: 36 KB
Last Modified: 12 November 1999
Samples of Related Collections
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Dimensions: 354 x 601 pixels
File Size: 27 KB
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Collectibles :: Danbury Mint Plates

By: Ted Nasmith
Title: Danbury Mint Plates
Dimensions: 331 x 323 pixels
File Size: 14 KB
Last Modified: 12 November 1999
Artists :: Nasmith, Ted

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File Size: 69 KB
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File Size: 109 KB
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File Size: 108 KB
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File Size: 110 KB
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By: Ted Nasmith
Title: Danbury Mint Plates
Dimensions: 500 x 494 pixels
File Size: 36 KB
Last Modified: 12 November 1999
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File Size: 56 KB
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Dimensions: 1195 x 1117 pixels
File Size: 422 KB
Last Modified: 11 November 1999