Danbury Mint Plates
By: Ted Nasmith
Title: Danbury Mint Plates
Dimensions: 500 x 494 pixels
File Size: 36 KB
Last Modified: 12 November 1999
Samples of Related Collections
Characters :: Gandalf

By: John Howe
Title: Gandalf and the Balrog, December 1997
Dimensions: 1260 x 850 pixels
File Size: 273 KB
Last Modified: 12 November 1999
Collectibles :: Danbury Mint Plates

By: Ted Nasmith
Title: Danbury Mint Plates
Dimensions: 344 x 330 pixels
File Size: 15 KB
Last Modified: 12 November 1999
Artists :: Nasmith, Ted

By: Ted Nasmith
Title: The Incoming Sea at the Rainbow Cleft, October 2000
Dimensions: 720 x 545 pixels
File Size: 69 KB
Last Modified: 27 October 2002
Middle-earth :: Rivendell

By: J. R. R. Tolkien
Title: Rivendell, June 1974, January 1988
Dimensions: 1059 x 1037 pixels
File Size: 476 KB
Last Modified: 05 December 1999
Characters :: Aragorn

By: Stacy Bautista
Title: Aragorn captures Gollum
Dimensions: 1024 x 758 pixels
File Size: 248 KB
Last Modified: 29 December 2001
Characters :: Frodo

By: Alan Lee
Title: Frodo
Dimensions: 970 x 772 pixels
File Size: 94 KB
Last Modified: 18 December 2001
Characters :: Boromir

By: Catherine Karina Chmiel
Title: Boromir and Sam
Dimensions: 783 x 541 pixels
File Size: 104 KB
Last Modified: 03 October 2004
Characters :: Legolas

By: John Howe
Title: Legolas and Gimli
Dimensions: 1000 x 1374 pixels
File Size: 293 KB
Last Modified: 19 April 2001
Characters :: Merry

By: Per Sjogren
Title: Treebeard and the hobbits
Dimensions: 700 x 988 pixels
File Size: 167 KB
Last Modified: 30 August 2003
Characters :: Pippin

By: Paul Rivoche
Title: The Fellowship, March 1981 (SA)
Dimensions: 1300 x 912 pixels
File Size: 319 KB
Last Modified: 04 November 1999
Characters :: Gimli

By: Peggy Karr
Title: Gimli
Dimensions: 1275 x 1755 pixels
File Size: 434 KB
Last Modified: 10 July 2002
Characters :: Sam

By: Dan Staten
Title: Samwise
Dimensions: 1800 x 900 pixels
File Size: 197 KB
Last Modified: 18 October 2003
The Lord of the Rings, by chapter :: Book II, Chapter 3, The Ring Goes South

By: Felix Sotomayor
Title: The Ring Goes South
Dimensions: 794 x 673 pixels
File Size: 347 KB
Last Modified: 02 December 2003