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The Lee The Hobbit Collection

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In a hole there lived a Hobbit...
In a hole there lived a Hobbit...
114K, 836x439
Mod: 12 November 1999
Up jumped Bilbo, and putting on his dressing-gown went into the dining-room.
Up jumped Bilbo, and putting on his dressing-gown went into the dining-room.
147K, 888x475
Mod: 12 November 1999
What's a burrahobbit...?
What's a burrahobbit...?
60K, 676x372
Mod: 12 November 1999
..suddenly Dori...was grabbed from behind...
..suddenly Dori...was grabbed from behind...
87K, 822x437
Mod: 12 November 1999
He just managed to catch old Dori's legs...
He just managed to catch old Dori's legs...
174K, 1029x997
Mod: 12 November 1999 he trotted along with his little sword in front of him...
G_Lee15.jpg he trotted along with his little sword in front of him...
111K, 694x483
Mod: 12 November 1999
Bilbo woke up - and found he was not home at all.
Bilbo woke up - and found he was not home at all.
72K, 574x498
Mod: 12 November 1999
A short rest
A short rest
118K, 890x401
Mod: 12 November 1999
"Lost it is, my precious, lost, lost!"
58K, 619x425
Mod: 12 November 1999
"Go on telling, then!" said Beorn,...
108K, 833x491
Mod: 12 November 1999
...suddenly he saw the full armor...
...suddenly he saw the full armor...
89K, 830x528
Mod: 12 November 1999
Over Hill and Under Hill
Over Hill and Under Hill
86K, 559x449
Mod: 12 November 1999
The nastiest things they saw were the cobwebs.
The nastiest things they saw were the cobwebs.
130K, 1047x558
Mod: 12 November 1999
...baggages and packages...fingered by Goblins...
...baggages and packages...fingered by Goblins...
36K, 580x289
Mod: 12 November 1999
...before him only ridges and slopes falling towards lowlands...
...before him only ridges and slopes falling towards lowlands...
85K, 729x442
Mod: 12 November 1999
Bombur slept on with a smile on his fat face.
Bombur slept on with a smile on his fat face.
73K, 822x392
Mod: 12 November 1999 they went, north up the lake...
G_Lee38.jpg they went, north up the lake...
48K, 923x230
Mod: 12 November 1999 once the whole lot of the came hurrying after the hobbit...
G_Lee31.jpg once the whole lot of the came hurrying after the hobbit...
184K, 1045x526
Mod: 12 November 1999
"There lies all that is left of Dale," said Balin.
97K, 743x493
Mod: 12 November 1999
Out leaped Wood-elves with their bows and spears...
Out leaped Wood-elves with their bows and spears...
129K, 776x460
Mod: 12 November 1999
There on the grey stone in the grass was an enormous thrush,...
There on the grey stone in the grass was an enormous thrush,...
70K, 805x455
Mod: 12 November 1999
For a long time the dwarves stood in the dark befor the door...
For a long time the dwarves stood in the dark befor the door...
129K, 963x644
Mod: 12 November 1999
They had escaped..., but wether alive or dead...
They had escaped..., but wether alive or dead...
59K, 335x474
Mod: 12 November 1999
And far away...there loomed the Lonely Mountain.
And far away...there loomed the Lonely Mountain.
107K, 859x428
Mod: 12 November 1999
...a sudden thin and piercing ray of red...
...a sudden thin and piercing ray of red...
136K, 991x512
Mod: 12 November 1999
c son of Carc."">
"I am Roc son of Carc."
89K, 748x437
Mod: 12 November 1999
He rose in fire and went away south towards the Running River.
He rose in fire and went away south towards the Running River.
147K, 958x474
Mod: 12 November 1999
In the meanwhile, the dwarves sat in darkness,...
In the meanwhile, the dwarves sat in darkness,...
158K, 971x422
Mod: 12 November 1999
Many of the Dwarves spent their time...ordering the treasure.
Many of the Dwarves spent their time...ordering the treasure.
133K, 842x445
Mod: 12 November 1999
"Mr. Baggins!" he cries. "Here is the first payment..."
84K, 489x544
Mod: 12 November 1999
...the pool and the Gate blocked with a wall of new-hewn stone...
...the pool and the Gate blocked with a wall of new-hewn stone...
119K, 706x468
Mod: 12 November 1999
Suddenly ... they sprang silently forward to attack.
Suddenly ... they sprang silently forward to attack.
81K, 676x500
Mod: 12 November 1999
Before long,...they could see him as a spark of fire..
Before long,...they could see him as a spark of fire..
108K, 859x495
Mod: 12 November 1999
There for ages his huge bones could be seen...
There for ages his huge bones could be seen...
79K, 844x360
Mod: 12 November 1999
It was on May the First that the two came
It was on May the First that the two came
144K, 718x496
Mod: 12 November 1999
"Thank goodness!" said Bilbo laughing, and handed him the tobacco-jar.
78K, 630x439
Mod: 12 November 1999
There far away was the Lonely Mountain on the edge of eyesight.
There far away was the Lonely Mountain on the edge of eyesight.
164K, 931x566
Mod: 12 November 1999
474K, 946x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
Somewhere behind the grey clouds the sun must have gone down.
Somewhere behind the grey clouds the sun must have gone down.
368K, 837x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
"Who are you, and of what would you parley?"
416K, 840x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
The king's cave was his palace...
The king's cave was his palace...
433K, 843x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
He pulled open the door with a jerk...
He pulled open the door with a jerk...
402K, 847x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
"Well, here is Mirkwood!" said Gandalf.
445K, 837x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
...a narrow bridge of the Last Homely House
...a narrow bridge of the Last Homely House
457K, 846x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
...the barrels turned and twisted off down the stream...
...the barrels turned and twisted off down the stream...
449K, 847x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
The Elves were the first to charge.
The Elves were the first to charge.
438K, 843x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
Smaug lay, with wings folded like an immeasurable bat,...
Smaug lay, with wings folded like an immeasurable bat,...
434K, 849x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
They buried Thorin deep beneath the Mountain,...
They buried Thorin deep beneath the Mountain,...
397K, 848x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
...outside they heard the roar and rumble of Smaug's fury.
...outside they heard the roar and rumble of Smaug's fury.
370K, 849x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
"It's got to ask uss a question, my preciouss, yes, yess, yesss."
405K, 845x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
The Great Goblin gave a truly awful howl of rage...
The Great Goblin gave a truly awful howl of rage...
441K, 833x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
They came to the river that marked the...borderland of the Wild.
They came to the river that marked the...borderland of the Wild.
423K, 837x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
...this one is THE Carrock...
...this one is THE Carrock...
420K, 844x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
They were come to the Front Gate,...
They were come to the Front Gate,...
393K, 846x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
"I'll soon put an end to that," hissed the angry spider...
401K, 841x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
Bert, Bill and Tom the Trolls
Bert, Bill and Tom the Trolls
428K, 847x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
On the table...he spread a peace of parchment...
On the table...he spread a peace of parchment...
394K, 843x1200
Mod: 15 March 2000
...the wargs had no intention of going away...
...the wargs had no intention of going away...
424K, 850x1200
Mod: 23 March 2000
Gaze as much as he might, he could see no end to the trees.
Gaze as much as he might, he could see no end to the trees.
451K, 851x1200
Mod: 23 March 2000
" meanwhile what next?"..."I suggest Lake-town,"...
372K, 844x1200
Mod: 23 March 2000
They made there third camp, hauling up...with their ropes.
They made there third camp, hauling up...with their ropes.
412K, 851x1200
Mod: 23 March 2000 morning long ago, Bilbo was standing at his door...
G_Lee02.jpg morning long ago, Bilbo was standing at his door...
436K, 844x1200
Mod: 23 March 2000
They saw him sooner than he saw them.
They saw him sooner than he saw them.
402K, 828x1200
Mod: 23 March 2000
Full on the town he fell.
Full on the town he fell.
395K, 849x1200
Mod: 23 March 2000
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