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The 1995 Calendar Collection

The 1995 Tolkien Calendar by John Howe
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Gandalf comes to Hobbiton, April 1995
Gandalf comes to Hobbiton, April 1995
1172K, 1462x930
Mod: 02 October 2000
The White Tower of Elwing, May 1995
The White Tower of Elwing, May 1995
908K, 1461x935
Mod: 02 October 2000
The Siege of Angband, December 1995
The Siege of Angband, December 1995
404K, 1466x942
Mod: 12 November 1999
Ulmo, The Lord of the Waters, September 1995
Ulmo, The Lord of the Waters, September 1995
341K, 1464x939
Mod: 12 November 1999
Melkor and Ungolianted before The Two Trees, October 1995
Melkor and Ungolianted before The Two Trees, October 1995
452K, 1464x939
Mod: 12 November 1999
The Door of Night, June 1995
The Door of Night, June 1995
370K, 1464x939
Mod: 12 November 1999
Smaug, January 1995
Smaug, January 1995
440K, 901x1517
Mod: 12 November 1999
Minas Tirith, July 1995
Minas Tirith, July 1995
437K, 902x1518
Mod: 12 November 1999
Fingolfin's Challenge to Morgoth, November 1995
Fingolfin's Challenge to Morgoth, November 1995
330K, 1464x936
Mod: 12 November 1999
The Battle of Gondolin, February 1995
The Battle of Gondolin, February 1995
480K, 1456x938
Mod: 12 November 1999
The Fall of Gondolin, August 1995
The Fall of Gondolin, August 1995
416K, 902x1519
Mod: 12 November 1999
Gandalf approaches the guarded city, March 1995
Gandalf approaches the guarded city, March 1995
379K, 1459x929
Mod: 12 November 1999
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