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Urban Legend
Urban Legend

Year of Release: 1998
Cast: Alicia Witt, Jared Leto, Rebecca Gayheart, Robert Englund, Joshua Jackson
Director: Jamie Banks
Writer: Silvio Horta
Rating: R
Running Time: 98 Minutes (1 hour, 38 minutes)

A psycho serial killer is loose on campus, using urban legends as the theme for gruesome murders. There's the killer hiding in the back seat of a vehicle with an ax, the babysitter who gets creepy calls and finds out they are coming from upstairs, and the dog in the microwave, among others. It's an idea that hasn't been used in horror films before (one of the few ideas that hasn't been used!), and horror fans should enjoy it. If you don't like Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, and similar movies, then don't waste your time with this one. If you do like gory horror movies, this one is a nice little diversion that isn't great but is still worth watching if you have nothing else to do. There's no use describing the plot, acting, direction, etc. -- they are all virtually the exact same as every other teenage psycho slasher movie. The ending is such a stretch that it's almost funny, and it is left open for a sequel. But I can't think of too many urban legends that weren't already used in this one.

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